
My experiences Teaching English ( Practicum 2)

Why is important to learn English?

martes, 23 de marzo de 2010

What is a generation gap?

What is a generation gap? According to the Oxford Dictionary it is a difference in attitudes between people of different generations. The key word here is "ATTITUDES". Now attitude is A way of thinking or feeling about someone or something. Thus this gives us a clearer picture of what a generation gap means and when it occurs." A generation gap occurs when older & younger people don't understand each other because of their difference in opinion, experience and nature". I for one feel that this difference is definitely existing in our society today. Let me explain.

Most of today's youth are deeply influenced by the growing reach of western standards and culture. To them it seems as the "Global" standards and the "In " thing to do. Everything about them today is influenced by the west. Be it Music, Fashion, Behavior, Trends, Clothing EVERYTHING. This I must add is good to a certain extent but beyond a certain point...it leads to differences between the generations. Earlier when the extent of the reach of the west was just growing, people did well to avoid it. It is in our nature to go for something we believe is true and will make us a better person. It may occur but is also leading to many rifts in today's society. "It is one of nature's ways that we often feel closer to distant generation then to the generation immediately preceding us"
What are the generation gaps that you consider are more remarkable nowadays?
Are generation gaps a challenge for young people ? Why?

jueves, 18 de marzo de 2010

"What's your guilty pleasure?"

Guilty pleasures are the little things that make life just life bit better. Of course, they're also the things you're not supposed to like watch TV until 3 am, text messages until midnight, play video games all day long, eat junk food etc. But if these pleasures make us happy, what do we have to be guilty about? On this blog it's a non-embarrassment zone. It´s normal to have something that makes us distress, but with an equilibrium in what we do . So, let´s answer,
"What's your favorite guilty pleasure?" is that... social networks?
or celebrity gossip?

miércoles, 3 de marzo de 2010

What´s your best phrase?

If you want to start getting a new challenge and walk through the end, you should begin with a set of good vibrations and intentions to finally have the satisfaction of succeed. Young people generally are optimistic, here there are some of the favorite phrases we use when starting a challenge,
A- I´ll do it!
B- No way, I´ll get it!
C- No matter what will happen, I´ll find it.
Can you mention your phrase ?