
My experiences Teaching English ( Practicum 2)

Why is important to learn English?

viernes, 30 de julio de 2010

Teaching in Advanced English I

English is considered the universal language. In fact, people think English could open doors for those who study and learn it. Today I had a sucessful experience teaching in Advanced English 1.One of the best ways of learning English is by talking about actual topics related to the cultures which have English as Native Language.
My assigned group is very active. The students talked more than the last semester and I noticed that they felt more comfortable,too. Perhaps, they feel more familiar with the Professor also they know each other better. I introduced a new lesson plan related to fame and Fortune. We made a review of the last class. They talked about the ways to know about someone´s personality. They shared ideas about the meaning of and ethymology of their names. The cultural barriers and traditions related to the names and the grammar note was about " USED TO".They worked in pairs and practiced simple sentences about their habits. They are very talkative and that´s very nice for me. Even though I think they have to improve their respect while listening to their classmates.The sitting arrangement was acceptable to have a good development of the activities. I will pay more attention to the use of tests activities in the lesson plan in order to make them investigate more about the topic.
I think they have improved their fluency. I can see the changes in a semester.The progress in the learning process is clear and it proves that they have enthusiasm to learn. That is one of the moments in which a teacher has to take advantage of the situation and bring the right material propiciate development of new competences.

viernes, 23 de julio de 2010

Student terms

All of us have been freshmen

A Freshman (slang alternatives that are usually derogatory in nature include "fish", "fresher", "frosh", "newbie", "freshie", "snotter", "fresh-meat", etc.) is a first-year student in college, university or high school. The less-common[citation needed] gender-neutral synonym "first-year student" exists; the variation "freshperson" is rare.

In many traditions there is a remainder of the ancient (boarding, pre-commuting) tradition of fagging. The student may also be subjected to a period of hazing or ragging as a pledge(r) or rookie, especially if joining a fraternity/sorority or certain other clubs, mainly athletic teams. For example, many high schools have initiation methods for freshmen, including, but not limited to, Freshman Duct-taped Throw, Freshman races, Freshman Orientation, Freshman Freshening (referring to poor hygiene among freshmen), and the Freshman Spread.

Even after that, specific rules may apply depending on the school's traditions (e.g., wearing a distinctive beanie), non-observance of which may result in punishment in which the paddle may come into play.
Teachers should be familiar with all these terms and try to make students´environment becomes better to propiciate learning skills.

First University memories

Do you remember the first English Class at the university ?

It is an unforgettable experience to face the first day in class.What about the first day at the University? It is a remarkable experience being in an english class for the first time. For some students it will be the time to discover if their choice was the appropiate or if they will need more time to make their final desition. Some others will probably think about the great differences between being a highschool student rather than being a university student.If the students are acostumed to the language or if they are not familiar with English it there might be different reactions.
I consider important to propiciate a good environment in the first year of the English mayor, so that students will learn not only about the methodology, evaluation, assesment ,but the competences they need to achieve. I remember one of my classmates´experiences in Basic English. She was one of the best students at highschool ,but one of the worst at the University.At the beginning she felt qvery dissapointed about her development in class when she saw her grades because she wasn´t acustomed to fail. After the first semester, she realized that Learning English wasn´t her goal and she decided to changed her mayor. Why did she decide to change her opinion? Can you share some of your expectations during the first year
of the mayor?