Young people are usually considered as revolutionary people. The ones who want to change the world. Perhaps a normal characteristic for young people is also the fact of being complicated. That should be positive or negative at the same time. It depends on the possition we see into that charactistic. Salvadorean young people are not the exception for this common description.We are living in a world of changes. We can´t avoid the challenges we are facing because is life´s way.
One of the biggest challenges that young people have to deal with is technology. Since we are in the rising of the Knowledge´s society we are forced to be updated at that matter. Another challege is how to survive in a jungle of asphalt.
That is to live with the idea of building our future in the present and it makes us forget the essence of life we "usually" become architects of materialim. Here is one of the last challenges for young people: How to find our identity? We are in the middle of a mixture of trends that we can call "The Generation X" in which everyone is trying to be unique,but sometimes recycling. As a result we can find the popular "Urban Tribes", and many stereotypes to follow. The challenge is to be authentic creating a personal style.
What´s your challenge?
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