This week was very busy to me and it is not unusual.In fact, it was normal. The topic that I had to teach was about modals and adverbs that express possibilities in the future... It was an interesting topic. The part of grammar explanation, was my part in the practicum class. At the beginning of the class there were only 5 students in the classroom. It took me by surprise because I had prepared a song with slips of papers to complete the whole lyrics of the song. It was difficult to do it with only 5 students. Well, I had to begin with them , but little by little the rest of the guys were getting in to the classroom. It was nice because I could see that they are very responsible and they like to work. It was satisfactory at the end when I saw 14 of them trying to sing and complete the activity. Then, they wrote ideas in their graphic organizers. They shared what they had with the class. Then, they practice some exercises about adverbs of possibilities.. The class arragement was accurate because they were confortable. Even though I had some mistakes in my explanation. I noticed I repeated too much the word "also" and instead of saying Possibilities I said probabilities , that are math expressions. These are just some of the words I could see. At the end I made a wrap out with some questions about the topic and the students shared about what they´ve learned. If I had to teach this lesson again , I would use more technological material.. it should probably do the class more interesting and the students would learn more,too.
Teacher Iris,
ResponderEliminarI think that when students arrive late to the classroom it´s a problem for us because sometimes we want/need to include all the students in the activities, but we lose time waiting for them. I am having this problem with my students, but it´s a waste of time to be asking them to come early. I think that they will understand it when they take teaching practicum!!!
I hate to be repeating directions to the students that are just arriving!!
I like that you did a wrap-up activity in which students shared what they learned! congrats!
Hey Iris! The same happens with my students. they almost always arrive late and that is why I get troubles when doing the warm up. It is true what Lili says. They will understand this problem when they take teaching practicum.
ResponderEliminarI think they are immature and that is why they don't try to colaborate with us arriving early to the class.
You just try to do the best of you ok???
Dear Iris I know that it is hard to begin the class with a few students in the classroom... imagine with the teacher that comes late to the classroom....are you paying or something...??? just kidding... What I do is to begin the class so you should do the same....the bad thing is that students that come late then don`t understand the class and begin to ask...that`s the problem, but keep working...
ResponderEliminarIris, as teachers is very hard for us to work with few students. I'm facing the same problem, but even when it is hard for us,the students who come late to the classroom are the ones who will have problems because it is more difficult for them to understand things when they haven't heard the explanation or instructions since the beginning of the class. We have to help them to understand how important is for a student to be on time. let's continue working because at the end we will get the better benefits.
ResponderEliminarIris, i can see that you had some problems with this class. The same has happened to every one of us. It is a problem because you can have a class development that you don't expect. On the other hand, i can tell you just one thing. Continue working the way you have been doing it, remember that we as teachers must get our goals and we must represent the role we have. Students already know the role they have, so just continue working harder and try to reach your objectives. Keep in mind that students are adults, but if they don't want to take advantage of your work, you cannot force them to do it. Continue working hard, my friend.